So it has been awhile since I have had time to post anything. So I thought I would throw a few pictures up and let you all see what we have been up to. As many of you may remember Drostan's hair was interesting during his first few months, it would have made a perfect mohawk if it stood up. I had been telling Cassie for a few weeks that he was starting to look shaggy. Well she finally agreed and we attempted to cut Drostan's hair. Trust me he did not appreciate it at all.

But doesn't he look so much better. If you make the picture bigger you can see the remnants of a tear under his right eye.

Mom however would not cut his curls in the back.

Later Mom made cookies to make him feel better. Drostan wanted to help. Normally, for Drostan, eating with a spoon means holding the spoon in one hand and shoveling food in his mouth with the other hand. This time he got it right.

Drostan's new hobby is rearranging the furniture. I guess he takes after his mother after all.

Stay tuned there will be more to come..............sometime. For now I am going to bed.