Friday, May 16, 2008

New Baby

As many of you may know, and some may not, Cassie and I had our baby on Friday May 16 at 6:15AM. He is a beautiful little boy. He was 7lbs and 19 in long. His first name is Drostan but we haven't decided on his middle name.
Thus far he is a pretty quiet kid, he only wails when being picked on (wieghing, bathing, blood sugars, etc). He is kind of a cute bugger.
Mom and baby are doing fine. She looks pretty good for just having a baby doesn't she? Unfortunately, after about 16 hours of labor Cassie had not progressed enough and the baby's heart rate was slowing down with each contraction, the doctor tried to manually dilate her cervix but it didn't work so she had to have a C-section. Aside from the wicked conehead most people seem to think he looks like his dad. Oddly enough everyone also thinks he's cute, go figure.
He is just a darn cute kid. Man I do good work. Cassie too.


angelee said...

Cute little guy! Congrats! Looks just like Cassie! At least from the waist up. Good work Cassie! Rest lots and get your strength back. I'm proud of you. Eulalie

Angie Madsen said...

He is very cute. Congrats! We are so excited to come and see you guys and him. I think he looks like you too, Devan.

Mary Mills said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for your little family! He sure is a cute little guy!
Good work to you both
Love the Mills