Saturday, May 12, 2012

Farm fun

Growing up in Idaho, when I think of a farm the first things that come to my mind is potatoes and cows. My children on the other hand are not from Idaho and when I asked Drostan what they have on a farm guess what he says....chickens. What can I say, we live in chicken country. There are very few cows on the eastern shore of Maryland but a member of our ward happens to have a Dairy. Each spring they team up with the state of Maryland 4H and invite the local schools(and other children) to come learn about nutrition and how/where food comes from. Our playgroup, as well as hundreds of other children, went on thursday. We saw how they milk cows and got to "practice," saw several different animals, watched a puppet show about bees, and played in the corn sandbox. At the end they even supplied us with our own carton of milk. It was so much fun and brought back memories of home.



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